Tuesday 8 October 2013

The Perfect Fit 2

It have been quite some time I did not keep update on the post here. I am busy planning for my second bazaar in KL. Stay tune with me.

How are you?

Today I would like to request you to help me to cast a vote for my fiance and help us win on The Perfect Fit 2!!

This time BESPOKED by IAN CHANG @ 1 Utama is sponsoring their suit for the contest.

"The suit from BESPOKED is created  for the quintessential gentlemen whose hallmark is impeccable sartorial taste and a desire to distinguish himself..." quoted from BESPOKED facebook page.

@ DA TANG ~ (sound effect) @

My fiance in a suit by BESPOKED for this contest The Perfect Fit 2.
The suit really help to bring out the charm of him, he look so confident and cool man. LOVE IT! : P

Please like the above photo @ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=658662657486867&set=a.617909584895508.1073741829.617783371574796&type=1&theater

You can visit to https://www.facebook.com/theperfectfitseason2 for more information. Source of the photos are capture from ThePerfectFit2

Your like is much appreciated!! Thank you. :P

~ Shi Style ~

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