Friday 30 August 2013

Suntec Flea Market After Event

Finally our ShiStyle9 Flea Market at Suntec Convention Hall 404 has sucessfully organised and came to the end. I would like to thanks to you who gave me full support to make this event so successful. Special thank to my partners, family and friends.

Have you grabbed a good piece from us? Hope you like it. :)

Let's me share some photos captured during these 2 days, it really fun and eye opening for me to go into this fashion line. I know it is not easy at all!!! But... I will do my best to bring you more unique and good quality styles.


This photo is taken when we are doing setup in the morning before the crowd is coming in. So messy... :P

Our first day setup

Second day of the event, I am showing like for our booth!!!
 Second day setup of the booth.
This is taken by our supportor, a nice piece grabbed by her with our name card and free gift. Thank you ya.

This whole event really tiring but I personally enjoy it. Yeah! Hope to organise for the next round!!! Gambateh!

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